Every once in a great while does something really make you scratch your head with genuine curiosity. One of those things for me, which I am more than happy to share with everyone out there is the enigma that is Macho Man Randy Savage's album BE A MAN (2003). Yes, that's right, the voice of slim-jims has a CD out. Not just any genre either, a RAP-METAL CD.
I first heard Be A Man early on in my collegiate career where I discovered it on the school's local direct connect hub (Remember that?). My morbid curiosity was what lead me to click that download button. What I got was certainly not what I expected.
Part of what makes this so perplexing is that the record itself isn't half bad when looked at in its context. The production isn't shoddy - its got original beats, some neat samples, and what sound like real singers/rappers accompanying him. The content is also like a modern rap CD--- hype men, beef tracks (against former friend Hulk Hogan in the title track of the CD)---
look at the lyrics here:
They call you Hollywood (hugh hugh) don't make me laugh
Cuz your movies and your actin' skills are both trash
Your movies straight to video the box office can't stand
While I got myself a feature role in Spider Man
sensitive dude track (What's that All About?), the "dead homie song" (My Perfect Friend - for Curt "Mr. Perfect" Henning - subtle homo-eroticism - check- does it make you feel sad - yes.) party song (Macho Thang) ... etc.
And the even weirder thing is that Macho Man ain't half bad at rapping. I don't know if he took a lot of lessons, payed someone to write the tracks - I'm totally in the dark. In fact I don't know how he got the idea in his head in the first place. The lyrics are almost laughable at times, but Savage delivers them with his normal gruff intensity.
I also wonder who was the intended audience for this release? Insane Clown Posse fans (Juggalos)? WWE fans? Rap fans? Metal fans? I am really intruiged by all these questions, like what are his concerts like? Who goes? Is this vaguely racist? Why am I listening to this? Is this serious or tongue in cheek? Where did he find these (decent) rappers to accompany him?
Oh it makes my brain hurt. Well here are some tracks for you to decide for your self. And if you have any answers to any of these questions or some of your own, please let me know!
[try to] ENJOY!
What's That All About?
Ru Ready
Be a Man
PS: Sorry for the delay in posts, it's mid-term season in the real world. Also stay tuned in for OWEN and more Brunettes action. coming soon.
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