Sunday, September 16, 2007

Song for the day: The Next Best Thing.

For those of you who don't know, Aesop Rock just put out his tightest release to date on Def Jux at the end of last month. None Shall Pass is a real progressive step forward for Aes while much of the content is a reflection of where he's been. The album features tracks laid down by Blockhead and Aesop himself (whose seem to feature some real bass groove provided by the man himself.). This track is called The Next Best Thing and didn't make it on the album but is featured on the Coffee 12" and may sound familiar to those who picked up the 7" collaboration with Jeremy Fish. It's a sweet track featuring Aesop's signature stream of consciousness flow and urgent delivery. Try and keep up- and for those who can- check out his current tour featuring a well synced up video show as well as great support by Rob Sonic.



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