First I plan on introducing a serious look into some of the new comic books/graphic novels as they hit the shelves. Now, before dismissing this venture and myself off into total nerd-dom remember that this is the internet, and us nerds invented it - if you dont like it - shut your damn computer and go play sports or something. Also comic books have grown up over the years, and Stan Lee (god bless his enthusiasm and boundless creativity, but the days of superheroes in comics are very pre-9/11 & pre-summer blockbuster.) is not going to be discussed (sans the aforementioned parenthetical note). This will be a forum on style, narrative, and execution - because, ladies and gentleman, works of thinkers/artists like Adrian Tomine, Frank Miller, Allan Moore, Craig Thompson, Jeffery Brown, and tons more devote so much time and energy to their efforts. The least I can do is afford them my two cents for theirs.
Secondly - for all those who accuse me of dumbing this down- I present to you, in small digestible tid-bits for your consideration, my thoughts on two considerable forces in literature and social critique: Brett Easton Ellis & the late great Fydor Dostoevsky. Look for it beginning next week and continuing on through its shocking conclusion.
So keep your eyes open for those along with regular music posts (which I am also looking to expand with live music coverage [photos & bootleg mp3's & reviews]) and I am always up for submissions/suggestions- this is the interweb after all.
SO I suppose I'll leave you with a taste of what's to come with a fantastically applicable music video by the lovely & kiwi Brunettes. This duo will be featured a little later on in the week and this vid for Her Hairagami Set should pique your interest if they're not on your radar already.
The video follows, in lieu of today's post, a comic book format of paneled action played out by rather cute marionettes. The video also touches on important social issues of the day including school violence and self image issues of the... oh who am I kidding, it's really just a damn good song acted out by some cool puppets.
ENJOY! (song download below the photo and after the jump. This really did become the parenthetical post. go fig.)
Her Hairagami Set