Thursday, December 4, 2008

Video Music?

Well Pitchfork has put up a substantial list of what they deem the 40 best music videos of the year. On that list were a few i havent seen til now - i've pulled what i liked best from their list, all of which can be seen here.

Justice: Stress- Holy shit this was unexpectedly tense (despite the song's title and demeanor). Shot like a documentary and very possibly based off the French film Man Bites Dog, the viewer is forced to watch this anarchistic street gang in matching 'cross' jackets wreak havok on their dystopian future looking thing. Part Clockwork Orange, part nightly news. Sprinkled with audio from the spree at just the right time, this really is a killer video.

The Mai Shi: Run to Your Grave- One of my favorites of their album hllll yh. Hits the (coffin) nail right on the head as far as enjoying life and the fleetingness of materialism. A whole lot happens in front of this stationary cam, including some serious cameo action by some other LA bands. lots of energy and color- just like their live show.

Radiohead: House of Cards- This song articulated a feeling i had been having about modern society teetering on the edge of the void. Beautifully eerie video as well.

Sigur Ros: Gobbledigook (NSFW)- Ah to be young, good looking and nude. This video made in conjunction with the wunderkind Ryan McGinnley features a scenario of one of his naked roadtrips which suites the song quite well. strikes me as an orgiastic, Utopian lord of the flies.

Gobbledigook from Sigur Ros. from Bill on Vimeo.

Weezer: Pork n' Beans- Yeah we all know weezer isnt the band they once were, but this meta-youtoob-esque video they did shows they still have that killer sense of humor about the days we live in. its just the right amount of parody and quirky. but why the fuck k-fed is in it i'll never know.

Kanye West: Flashing Lights (NSFW) - Spike Jonze still has some good rap vids in him. A dark scene unfolds in the desert (with a healthy dose of T&A.)

Flashing Lights - Kanye West from Jarvis Smith on Vimeo.

The BPA (Feat. David Byrne & Dizzee Rascal) NSFW?- Hilarious concept executed flawlessly and a catchy tune at that. Black bar magic right here. i wish i was invited to this party.

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